Dear Death...

Dear Death...

Finding Meaning in Life, Peace in Death, and Joy in an Ordinary Day

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Fall of Freddy the Leaf

Fall of Freddy the Leaf

Wonderful conversation starter for all ages.

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Death: The Final Stage of Growth

Death: The Final Stage of Growth

Dr. Kubler-Ross has been a pioneer paving the way with naming the experiences of our grieving process.

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Advice on Dying

Advice on Dying

Buddhist perspective of death and the dying process. Beautifully written by the Dalai Lama.

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Final Gift

Final Gift

Wonderful, easy-to-read book providing beauty and comfort around the dying process. The authors provide many real-life situations that remind us that dying can be amazing.

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Coming from a Buddhist perspective, this classic book provides readers with an in-depth view of death, the bardos (states of existence), and the dying process which can be companioned with any religious tenets.

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Journey of Souls

Journey of Souls

One of my favorites! I frequently return to this book for information. Using a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects, Dr. Newton discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us between lives. Journey of Souls is the record of 29 people who recalled their experiences between physical deaths.

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